LIRONE – April, 30th 2016


Further to our meeting at the international art fair ART3f LYON,
the french photographer, visual artist and designer LIRONE is joining our collective United Guest Artists.

Our collaboration will start at the international art fair SM’ART in Aix-en-Provence from May, 12th to 16th
where I will attend the artist and his wife on his personal exhibition space.

LIRONE – 30 avril 2016


Suite à notre rencontre sur le salon international ART3f LYON,
le photographe plasticien designer LIRONE rejoint le collectif United Guest Artists.

Notre collaboration débutera sur le salon SM’ART à Aix-en-Provence du 12 au 16 mai
où j’assisterai l’artiste et son épouse sur son espace personnel d’exposition.